由亞洲企業商會舉辦的2023國際創新峰會,旨在匯集來自全球300多位創新專家、行業領袖和政策制定者進行分享與交流。隨著企業越來越意識到它們在應對氣候變化、資源匱乏、社會平等、道德倫理等等的責任,可持續創新成為企業在當今不斷變化的格局中的關鍵推動因素。今年的峰會以Sustainable Innovation for Future Enterprises為主題,旨在鼓勵企業進行可持續創新、轉型的行動。
即刻瀏覽 IIS 2023 | International Innovation Summit (innosummit.org)
Ready to embark on a journey of innovation and sustainability? Join the International Innovation Summit 2023 and become a catalyst for positive change! Themed ‘Sustainable Innovation for Future Enterprises,’ the Summit sets the stage for a transformative experience.
Explore insights and strategies shared by global experts and practitioners as we collectively reimagine business models, products, and services for a more sustainable future.
Don’t miss the chance to be part of a global community committed to reshaping the way we do business by registering now at IIS 2023 | International Innovation Summit (innosummit.org)
#innosummit #innorev #InnovationSummit #Taiwan #EnterpriseAsia
即刻瀏覽https://innovationaward.org/nomination或電郵至 marketing@enterprisasia.org 報名!
The 7th International
Innovation Awards is open for nominations!
The long-awaited International Innovation Awards (IIA) 2023 is here and open
for nominations! Known as the most prestigious recognition program recognizing outstanding
innovations across the globe, the IIA is on a mission to promote organizations
to invest in continuous innovation.
Do you have what it
takes to redefine the future? Show us your game-changing innovations and be
part of the innovation revolution by nominating now!
Visit https://innovationaward.org/nomination or email us at marketing@enterprisasia.org to submit your nominations!
#InnovationRev #innovationaward